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How Early is Too Early?

I remember, several years ago, Wes and I had a conversation with a young friend of ours (who did not yet have children). He made a statement that went something like this: “I wonder how worthwhile it is to read the Bible to very young children. I mean, how much can they really understand?”

I realize he has a point, after all, I don’t understand everything I read in Scripture, and a preschooler is no doubt going to miss some of the finer points of the text. However, I do believe that God can open their minds to understand more than we expect. And I also believe what Augustine said, “When we read scripture, God speaks to us.”

So while young children may not comprehend everything that is being read, when they hear the Word of God they are hearing God speak. Which means that we as moms (as parents) have an opportunity to help our children tune in to the voice of God simply by reading His Word to them. We can help them to recognize the voice of God and, as we ourselves learn how to respond, we can teach them how to respond as well.

This reminds me of the story of Samuel when he was a young boy in the temple and he heard a voice. He logically thought it was Eli, the priest, calling. So he went to Eli. Eli informed him that he had not called for him and sent him back to bed.

Samuel heard the voice again and went to Eli. Eli again told Samuel that he was not calling him and sent him back to bed yet again.

Samuel heard the voice once more . . . and off he went to Eli. Finally Eli understood what was happening and told Samuel, “Go, lie down, and if he calls you, you shall say, ‘Speak, LORD, for your servant hears.’” So Samuel went and lay down in his place. (ESV)

Granted, Eli was not a model priest or parent. Wickedness abounded in his household. And who knows he may have been grieved or even angry that God was speaking to this young boy and not to him. Nevertheless, he told Samuel the exact right thing to say if the Lord should call again. And the Lord did call again.

Doesn’t that give you a little hope? It does me!

By the grace of God, Wes and I hope to be much better parents than Eli. We also hope to give our children abundant opportunity to hear God speak through His Word, to help them recognize God’s voice and — so important — to know how to respond when He calls. All the while, we’re praying that the Holy Spirit would implant the Word deep in their hearts.

I can’t help but believe that it’s never too early for that process to begin.

All that to say, read the Bible with your kids. (I’d start while they’re still in your tummy.)